About EASEE-gas

Streamlining the gas business

EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, was set up in 2002 and currently comprises 80 companies active in the European gas market. The association is registered in France (Law of 1901 Registration) and managed in Brussels, Belgium.


EASEE-gas delivers efficient and harmonised solutions that support business processes across the different actors in the gas value chain. We facilitate the transition to a sustainable and integrated energy system in Europe.


  • To develop new and maintain existing business solutions that serve the needs of the gas value chain, bring additional efficiency and secure services in the sector

  • To develop, maintain and promote data exchange standards for the energy sector

  • To proactively advocate towards stakeholders and authorities for a wider implementation of both the existing and the new EASEE-gas business solutions by all players in the value chain

  • To accelerate the transition towards tomorrow’s energy system by facilitating the interoperability of energy systems

  • To interact with other stakeholders, by sharing information and establishing a dialogue on the further integration of the energy sector


The General Meeting of Members, which includes all membership categories, is the highest authority of the association. The Board of Directors sets the overall strategic direction and manages the business and affairs of the association. 

The Working Groups and Committees work on concrete projects and activities to further the mission of the association. All members may and are encouraged to participate or be represented in these working bodies.

The Advisory Panel is composed of representatives from other gas-related trade associations or organisations with an interest in the efficient and effective operation of the gas and energy markets. This group has a purely advisory role.

To learn more about the different working bodies and governance rules, please consult our Articles of Association.

EASEE-gas members across Europe

Download the membership map here.
Download the EASEE-gas brochure here.