It all started back in 1983 when Distrigas (Belgium), Gaz de France (France), Ruhrgas (Germany) and Gasunie (The Netherlands) decided to work together on a protocol for sending and receiving operational data and messages between dispatching centers. The protocol, known as the GASNET-Protocol, was soon adopted by 10 more national and international companies. However, its increased use generated a high number of messages and additional complexity and the need for a more international standard for communication started to be felt.
As a result, a working group was created in order to analyse the different messages and come up with a proposal for an international standard. In 1996, the group chose EDIFACT, the Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport developed by the United Nations, as a standard and started working on adapting it to the needs of the gas sector.
This work has continued over the years and is continuing today as part of EASEE-gas. The EASEE-gas’ Message and Workflow Design Working Group is responsible for the maintenance and further development of this de facto standard.