Events where Edig@s was presented


ENTSOG/ EASEE-gas Workshop on Data Exchange - 1 December 2020

About 100 peopled tuned in to the 3rd ENTSOG/EASEE-gas Workshop on Data Exchange held virtually this year. Topics on the agenda included: practical use of the edgi@s format, AS4 including updates on EASEE-connect - the digital platform for the creation and management of AS4 profiles, and general updated from the EASEE-gas Technology Standards Working Group.


70 people participated in the 2019 edition of the Joint EASEE-gas & ENTSOG Workshop on Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission. The event took place in Brussels on 28 November 2019.


Over 50 attendees, including people involved in the daily operations of gas transmission systems, ICT architects and gas transmission capacity platform operators, gathered in Brussels on 4 October to attend the Joint EASEE-gas & ENTSOG Workshop on Data Communication Harmonisation for Gas Transmission. ENTSOG presented the legal background of the harmonised data exchange and the results of the consultation on data exchange solutions at virtual trading points and storage facilities that took place from 17 May to 18 June 2018. Common Data Exchange Solutions were presented, including updates made this year to the AS4 Usage Profile documentation. The Integrated Data Exchange Usage Profile was also introduced. As for the next steps, ENSTOG announced that another public consultation will soon take place.

CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) presented the latest updates on the AS4 conformance testing platform and the possibility for new implementers to test their AS4 product and also apply for funds regarding these projects.

EASEE-gas presented the changes made during the year on the Edig@s message format that will lead to the creation of a new version of the message format: Edig@s 6. The work done to harmonize the message use, the core components and the code lists was detailed. The process changes induced by market changes were also presented as well as the alignment of the terminology with the harmonized gas role model. The latest version of the latter was also presented as well as an update of the EASEE-Connect project.


EDIG@S Workshop in Brussels on 22 October 2014

EASEE-gas hosted a workshop in Brussels to present the latest version of EDIG@S (see press release here). The event provided participants with a detailed overview of the EDIG@S messages and how they are developed, for instance, on the basis of the Business Requirement Specification (BRS) of ENTSOG. The different sessions outlined various topics such as: Common Network Operation Tools (CNOT) for data exchange; Message Implementation Guideline (MIG) of EASEE-gas, based on the BRS Nomination and Matching Process; the REMIT (Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency) process and timeline; and a case study presentation on the Single Sided (SSN) and Double Sided Nomination (DSN).

Download the event documents here:

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