EASEE-gas is pleased to announce the publication of its Annual Report 2024, now available on the official website. The report highlights key achievements, strategic initiatives, and collaborative effo...
Dear EASEE-gas member, We're kindly sharing the update for the Gas Role Model CBP. Main updates were · Updated the Capacity Allocation Process: Capacity diagram divided into basic and ...
Dear EASEE-gas members, We are pleased to announce that our upcoming GMoM will take place from 19 - 21 March 2025, Rome. This year’s event will be a unique opportunity for our members to gat...
EASEE-gas has issued a position paper emphasizing the need for balanced updates in data exchange processes. While adapting to future requirements is essential, the organization recommends sticking to ...
EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, has announced the launch of a public consultation to adapt its business solutions to the growing demands of r...
Dear EASEE-gas members, We are pleased to announce that our upcoming GMoM will take place from 19 - 21 March 2025, Rome. This year’s event will be a unique opportunity for our members to ga...
EASEE-gas publishes an important update on the latest Edig@s version 6.1 including additions in the codelists, corrections in the documents and a new best practices document. Additionally the Common B...
Natural gas is traditionally used as an energy source and all market facilitating transactions, i.e. contracting, nominating, allocating and balancing are based on energy flow. In the determination of...
The Gas Role Model has been developed to represent actions between different market participants in the gas industry. The main focus lies on the information exchange between market participants. The a...
Dear EASEE-gas members, We are pleased to announce that our upcoming GMoM will take place from 20 - 22 March 2024 in Nice, France. This year’s event will be a unique opportunity for our me...
In November 2023, EASEE-gas participated in the ENTSOG Gas Quality Workshop that took place at the ENTSOG office in Brussels. The yearly workshop is a great opportunity to network with fellow gas �...
In October 2023, ENTSOG and EASEE-gas signed a collaboration agreement. The collaboration agreement will ensure the continued maintenance and development of Edig@s® XML for the next five years and...
This year EASEE-gas was one again invited to participate in the yearly European Gas Regulatory Forum, better known as the Madrid Forum. The forum gathers key stakeholders across the European energy...
Moving communication systems to the cloud can give some supplemental challenges in terms of impact it can cause for parties with whom you have operational document exchanges. It could require chang...
EASEE-connect: The trusted profile information for AS4 and AS2 information across the gas sector launches EASEE-connect is the solution for the management and secure exchange of digital para...
Last year we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of EASEE-gas together in Brussels. For over two decades, members of EASEE-gas have collaborated and worked together towards achieving solutions to support ...
Since April 2021 representatives of both the European gas sector and the European electricity sector involved in the development and maintenance of the respective role models HEMRM and HGRM have come ...
The Role Model has been developed to represent actions between different market participants in the gas industry. The main focus lies on the information exchange between market participants. The aim o...
In 2019 the EASEE-gas Board agreed to draft a Common Business Practice (CBP) for the harmonisation of the recommended quality specification for hydrogen flowing through dedicated systems, meaning netw...
EASEE-gas is proud to be celebrating its 20th anniversary. For two decades, members of EASEE-gas have collaborated and worked together towards achieving a number of solutions to support business proce...
The Message Workflow Design Working Group of EASEE-gas releases today a new version of Edig@s, the electronic message format for the gas market. Version 6.1 includes essential corrections as well as a...
EASEE-gas publishes today its quality specification recommendation for industrial grade hydrogen running through repurposed natural gas pipelines or new dedicated systems. The Common Business Practice...
Jarle Rønnevik (Equinor), chair of the Message and Workflow Design Working Group (MWDWG) since 2014, has decided to step down from his role. He passes the torch to Oliver Schirok from VNG Handel &...
End user appliances and applications can currently handle 3% H2 except for some sensitive feedstock users and CNG filling stations. However, some applications are only able to accommodate hydrogen if ...
We are pleased to announce that it is now possible to read the annual report for 2021. “2021 was a very unusual year for me to initiate my mandate as chair of the Board of Directors of EASEE-gas ...
The EASEE-gas Board of Directors elected Michael Sostmann from Open Grid Europe as its new Chair. He succeeds Peter Meeuwis from GasTerra who had been chair of the Executive Committee since 2011, s...
A conversation with Dirk Serruys, Chairman of the EASEE-gas Technology Standards Working Group For years now, EASEE-gas has been acting as a provider of security certificates for its community of m...
The European gas industry welcomes the recently announced EU Strategy to reduce methane emissions. The sector is committed to play its part in achieving the climate neutrality goal by 2050 provided th...
Amber Grid, EuroPolGaz, Se.ven Commodities, and FGSZ Capacity Platform have recently joined the EASEE-gas community of European members from across the whole gas value chain. Amber Grid is the oper...
The newly released version 6 of Edig@s, the electronic message format for the gas market, further harmonises the different messages exchanged by gas players to achieve a more aligned implementation ac...
Alexey Krugovets from Gazprom Export and Michael Sostmann from Open Grid Europe were elected to the EASEE-gas Board of Directors at today’s Extraordinary General Meeting of Members (GMoM). Alexey Kr...
EASEE-gas publishes guidelines and recommendations for gas players active in the European market on how to request and where to use the Energy Identification Code (EIC). An EIC is a unique 16-char...
EASEE-gas steers in new direction with a focus on diversified membership, greater participation of members and new innovative services for the gas sector. EASEE-gas members voted for new mission and a...
(BRUSSELS, 19 November 2019) The European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – issues today CBP 2019-001/01 on Agreement update and certificate exchange. This Common Business Pra...
(BRUSSELS, 04 July 2019) The European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – updates the common business practice (CBP) on the Harmonisation of the Allocation Information Exchange, in...
EASEE-gas announces new Chairman of the Board and of the Executive Committee (BRUSSELS, 10 April 2019) The European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas announced today the e...
In Porto (BRUSSELS, 28 March 2019) The European gas industry held its annual GMoM (General Meeting of Members) in the charming city of Porto, Portugal, from 20 to 21 March. Over 65 participants rep...
(BRUSSELS, 16 January 2019) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas, released today a CBP (Common Business Practice) on the Harmonised Gas Role Model. CBP ...
(BRUSSELS, 26 November 2018) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, released today an updated version of a Common Business Practice (CBP) initially publis...
The EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group finalized the list of the various definitions used by EASEE-gas and by ENTSOG. Thanks to this list, the Easee-gas documents refer to definitions that alrea...
EASEE-gas members met in Budapest on 28 March for the Annual General Meeting of Members (BRUSSELS, 11 April 2018) 54 EASEE-gas members attended the EASEE-gas General Meeting of Members (GMoM) on 28...
New version of the Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification document available (BRUSSELS, 09 January 2018) A new version of the Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification document prepared by the EASEE...
BRUSSELS, 11 December 2017-- The Message Implementation Guidelines (MIG) for the Capacity Trading Process (version 5.1, document version 4) prepared by the EASEE-gas Message and Workflow Design Workin...
at the Madrid Forum of 19-20 October (BRUSSELS, 17 October 2017) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council a...
“Security is important and the overall security of the gas data exchange must be on the right level as the weakest link can jeopardise all market participants”, said Dirk Serruys, Chairman of the ...
(BRUSSELS, 17 July 2017) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, published today the Common Business Practice (CBP) document 2017-001/01 on Message Transmi...
BRUSSELS, 29 March 2017 -- EASEE-gas membership gathered in Valencia, Spain, on 22 and 23 March for the annual general meeting of members of the association. The event was a good opportunity to review...
(BRUSSELS, 12 December 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, published today the revised CBP 2007-001-02 on Message Transmission Protocol. Develop...
(BRUSSELS, 05 December 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, published today a Role Model document for the gas sector. The document was submitted ...
The July edition of EASEE-gas Newsletter (click here) highlights the latest news of the association. Download newsletter here
(BRUSSELS, 4 July 2016 EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas, published the Message Implementation Guidelines (MIG) for Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM) ...
EASEE-gas organised on Thursday 12 May a one-day stakeholders’ consultation workshop on a role model for the gas sector. The gas role model is a unique document listing all the actors in the gas ind...
(BRUSSELS, 04 May 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, will host on Thursday 12 May, a one-day stakeholders consultation workshop on a Role Model ...
(BRUSSELS, 23 March 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, held its General Meeting of Members (GMoM) last week in Toulouse, France. The GMoM is the...
EASEE-gas is pleased with the publication of the Message Implementation Guidelines (MIG) on the Nomination and Matching Process at Interconnection Points (version 5.1) prepared by the EASEE‑gas Mess...
(Brussels, 19 June 2015) A co-operation agreement between EASEE-gas (European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas) and ENTSOG (European Network of Transmission System Operators...
EASEE-gas held its General Meeting of Members (GMoM) in Vienna, Austria, yesterday, 19 March 2015. This year’s event included presentations by two experts on cyber security and geopolitics: Paul Blo...
EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, released today a newly updated version of a Common Business Practice (CBP) initially published in 2005: CBP 2005-00...
EASEE-gas organised on Wednesday 22 October, a one-day workshop about EDIG@S, the electronic message standard developed by the association. Over 80 people representing 45 companies active in the energ...
ASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, released today a newly updated version of a Common Business Practice (CBP) initially published in 2003: CBP 2003-001...
CBP 2003-002/03 Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process Developed by EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group, this CBP describes recommendations for the part of the process which rela...