(BRUSSELS, 23 March 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange – gas, held its General Meeting of Members (GMoM) last week in Toulouse, France. The GMoM is the annual event where members meet to network and review the association’s activities. This year’s GMoM included two interesting presentations about groundbreaking projects: the Troll A gas and oil platform off the west coast of Norway; and the potential of gamification in the energy business.
Over 50 people were present in Toulouse, representing the different companies that are members of the association. The event started with a social gathering at the Airbus site, on Wednesday 16 March. The GMoM took place the following day and included presentations by the chairs of the four Working Groups on the activities carried out last year. The Work Plan for 2016 was presented and approved as well as the 2015 annual accounts and 2016 budget. Members reviewed the EASEE-gas 2015 Annual Report of Activities, a brief publication outlining all the activities the association worked on during the past twelve months (download document here). New officers of the association were also elected by the membership in Toulouse: Bing Kwee (representing Utility Support Group) and Trygve Stensland (representing Statoil) were appointed for the Board of Directors and Claude Meylan (GRTgaz) re-appointed for a second term.
As in previous years, a panel discussion took place with two invited speakers: Casper Bodewitz, IT architect at Paatz Scholz van der Laan and Knut Ivar Pettersen, Vice President Production for Troll A within Statoil. Casper Bodewitz gave a presentation about the benefits of using computer games to train professionals. Games are a fun and motivating way of solving problems and forcing the brain to look for solutions for real-world complex situations. The presentation raised the interest of many in the room who are looking for alternative training possibilities for staff members. Knut Ivar Pettersen spoke about the Troll A gas and oil platform managed by Statoil which stands 303 meters below the surface of the sea. The Troll A is one of the largest and most complex engineering projects in history. It is the largest object that has ever been moved by mankind. The audience was delighted to see some impressive videos about Troll A and learning fun facts about its construction and operation.
Rudy Van Beurden, EASEE-gas Chair, stated his satisfaction with the event: “it is very rewarding to see the enthusiasm of our members during our annual event. Toulouse was a great city to hold our General Meeting of Members and the visit to Airbus is something that surely everyone will remember for a long time. We had interesting discussions and learned more about remarkable projects such as the Troll A platform and innovative ideas such as gamification. In short, we are very pleased with the outcome of our 2016 GMoM! I hope everyone got back home as inspired and motivated as I did.”