Common Business Practices

Business process guidelines for the European gas market

Common Business Practices (CBP's) are standards, procedures and/or protocols commonly used throughout the gas industry in Europe and which are recommended by EASEE-gas for adoption by all relevant industry players to simplify and streamline business processes across Europe.

Published CBPs
Approved Title Size Developed by
26/11/2024 Gas Role Model CBP Update 577 KB Edig@s Working Group
15/11/2024 Position paper on EASEE-gas business solutions and future requirements in data exchange 81 KB Message Workflow Design Working Group
15/07/2024 CBP 2023-003/03 - Edig@s Message Format 128 KB Edig@s Message Format

Show older CBP's

Development process of the Common Business Practices

The CBPs are drafted by the association's different Working Groups, depending on the topic. Once the Working Group agrees on a final text, this text is submitted to the Board for final approval. The CBP is then published on the EASEE-gas' website and sent to the membership as well as to the wider network of EASEE-gas. EASEE-gas members have two months to submit comments or suggestions to the CBPs.

If necessary, the CBP can be submitted to the General Meeting of Members (GMoM) for final ratification by all members. In the interest of openness and transparency, all stakeholders are invited to comment on approved Common Business Practices.

Throughout the years, EASEE-gas has developed the following Common Business Practices:

  • CBP 2022-001/01 Hydrogen Quality Specification
  • CBP 2020-001/01 Energy Identifier Coding
  • CBP 2019-001/01 Agreement Update and Certificate Exchange | Explanatory notes
  • CBP 2018-001-02 Harmonised Gas Role Model - Business Process perspective
  • CBP 2017-002/01 Secure Communication over the internet
  • CBP 2017-001/01 Message Transmission Protocol for Document Exchange
  • CBP-2014-001/01 Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination
  • CBP-2003-002/03 Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process (issued in 2014)
  • CBP-2008-001-01 Secondary Capacity Trading
  • CBP-2007-001-01 Message Transmission Protocol
  • CBP-2007-002-01 Common Data Communications Network
  • CBP-2007-005-01 EDIG@S Release Periods
  • CBP-2007-006-01 Harmonisation of the Allocation Information Exchange
  • CBP-2007-004-01 Connection Point Identifier encoding
  • CBP-2005-001-02 Harmonisation of Natural Gas Quality
  • CBP-2005-002-02 Interconnection agreement
  • CBP-2005-002-03 Interconnection agreement (issued in 2014)
  • CBP-2005-003-01 Constraints
  • CBP-2003-001/02 Harmonisation of Units (issued in 2014)
  • CBP-2003-002-02 Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process
  • CBP-2003-003-02 EDIG@S Protocol


How to request a change or an amendment to an existing CBP?

The Strategic Plan of EASEE-gas is presented and approved during the General Meeting of Members (GMoM) every year. The Strategic Plan lists the CBPs that are to be drafted or reviewed during the year. EASEE-gas CBPs are drafted by the Working Groups of the association. Any requests for changes or updates can be sent to the EASEE-gas secretariat or to the chair of the Working Group that drafted the CBP.

How to request a new CBP?

EASEE-gas CBPs are drafted by the Working Groups on their own initiative or upon request from the Board. The Strategic Plan lists the CBPs that are to be drafted or reviewed during the year. Any suggestions can be sent to the EASEE-gas secretariat. The secretariat will forward the suggestion to the most appropriate Working Group.

What is the approval process of CBPs?

CPBs are drafted by the Working Groups of EASEE-gas. Once finalised, the WG sends the draft CBP to the Board for approval. If there are comments or suggestions, these are sent back to the Working Group so that they update the CBP accordingly.

Once approved, the CBP is published on the EASEE-gas website and sent to the full membership. If contested by at least three full members and within two months after publications, the EASEE-gas CBP can be put up for vote before the full members during the GMoM.

For the detailed process, please contact the EASEE-gas secretariat.

How are the members consulted when there is a new CBP or any update to an existing CBP?

The Strategic Plan of EASEE-gas is presented and approved during the GMoM every year. The Strategic Plan lists the CBPs that are to be drafted or reviewed during the year. Members can contribute with their input directly to the Working Group drafting or revising an EASEE-gas CBP. The Working Group shall decide on whether or not to take these suggestions into account.

If the CBP has already been approved by the Board and is already published on the website, members still have the occasion to appeal the CBP. To do so, a formal appeal submitted by at least three full members needs to be send to the EASEE-gas secretariat within two months after the CBP is published. The CBP is then submitted to the GMoM for ratification following the normal voting procedures (simple majority of the members present).

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