Common Business Practices Implementation Surveys
EASEE-gas CBP implementation Survey Reports
In order to monitor the implementation of the Common Business Practices in the different countries, EASEE-gas conducts a detailed survey to its members every two years. The results of the surveys are normally presented at the Madrid Forum.
- CBP Implementation Progress Report of 2012
During the summer of 2012, EASEE-gas conducted a survey of its Members on the implementation of Common Business Practices published by EASEE-gas. A total of 65 responses were received covering 18 European countries. The survey showed that the CBPs on Harmonisation of Units, Nomination and Matching Process, Interconnection Agreements and Constraints have been widely implemented across Europe. There are still challenges facing the implementation of the CBP on Gas Quality Harmonisation. The EASEE-gas Gas Quality Harmonisation Working Group is closely following the discussions within the CEN, the European Committee for Standardisation, on a common gas quality standard. There are mixed responses on the use of Energy Identifier Codes.
Download CBP Implementation Progress Report 2012
- CBP Implementation Progress Report of 2010
By 2010, EASEE-gas had approved and issued a total of fourteen CBPs. In consultation with the Madrid Forum participants, EASEE-gas has taken responsibility for monitoring the implementation of CBPs. To enable the Executive Committee to report on a bi-annual basis to the Madrid Forum it has again issued a survey of all Full Members of EASEE-gas to respond on their experiences and, where appropriate, indicated by country the progress of implementation or existence of barriers of any kind.
Download CBP Implementation Progress Report 2010