EASEE-gas position statement on communication continuity
The EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group was assigned to investigate a fall-back solution for the standard EDIG@S communication in case of a general outage of internet.
The EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group was assigned to investigate a fall-back solution for the standard EDIG@S communication in case of a general outage of internet.
EASEE-gas is pleased to announce the launch of a new, redesigned website as well a new logo
EASEE-gas published an updated version of CBP 2005-002/03 Interconnection Agreement
EASEE-gas released today a newly updated version of a Common Business Practice (CBP) initially published in 2003: CBP 2003-001/02 on the Harmonisation of Units
Over 80 people attended on 22 October, a one-day workshop organised by EASEE-gas about EDIG@S, the electronic message standard developed by the association.
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