EASEE-gas approves new CBP on the harmonisation of the nomination and matching process for double-sided and single-sided nominations
EASEE-gas releases today a new Common Business Practice (CBP) on the Harmonisation of the Nomination and Matching Process for Double-Sided and Single-Sided Nomination:
EASEE-gas and ENTSOG conclude agreement on the development of data exchange messages
A co-operation agreement between EASEE-gas and ENTSOG was signed on 11 June in Brussels, Belgium, by Rudy Van Beurden (Chairman of EASEE-gas) and Stephan Kamphues (President of ENTSOG).
Cyber security and geopolitics debated during general meeting of EASEE-gas in Vienna
EASEE-gas held its General Meeting of Members (GMoM) in Vienna, Austria, yesterday, 19 March 2015
EASEE-gas Quarterly Newsletter - March 2015 edition
Here is the March 2015 edition of EASEE-gas Quarterly Newsletter